Sunday, November 24, 2019

Personality and Its Assessment Essays

Personality and Its Assessment Essays Personality and Its Assessment Essay Personality and Its Assessment Essay Personality has different meanings for theologians, philosophers and sociologists, and within psychology it has been defined in many ways (Allport, 1937). The main reason that leads so many psychologists to explore the human personality is that by doing so, the opportunity to predict a person’s behaviour in a situation presents itself, even before a situation occurs. Knowing more about one’s personality also allows us to learn about his/her dominant traits, information that can be of use in many aspects of everyday life (e. . recruiting the right people for the right jobs, treating a patient with the most suitable therapy etc. ). Many psychologists today (Block, Weiss and Thorne, 1979) define personality as a â€Å"more or less stable, internal factors that make one person’s behaviour consistent from one time to another, and different from the behaviour other people would manifest in comparable situations† (Childe, 1968). This definition gives us a clear v iew of the four major assumptions in the concept of personality: stable, internal, consistent and different. From the constructivist view, personality is seen as the combination of three equally important components: the actor, the observer and the self-observer. The actor component refers to the characteristics that a person brings to the social situation in which personality is constructed. These include all the genetic factors that may have the influence on a person’s behaviour, what he/she is capable or incapable to perform, as well as the individual’s history and present goals. The observer component refers to the way the actor is perceived by other people. Observers use the actor’s behaviour to construct an impression of the actor’s personality by adding social significance and meaning to the presented behaviour. As a result of this, we categorize people’s behaviour into different groups (e. g. ‘friendly’, ‘obnoxious’). These categories, apart from telling us about directly observable information, also add inferred meanings. The self-observer component is the direct consequence of the human ability to be self-aware. We can observe ourselves as we can observe other people, and we can see ourselves as we think other people see us. Throughout time, researchers have constructed various tools, scales and tests to attempt assessing personalities. The four main assessment methods currently used are interviews, observation, objective tests and projective tests. Interviews can be of two kinds, the structured and the unstructured. In the structured interview the person would be given a set list of questions to answer. These would mostly refer to the way a person sees him/herself behaving in different situations, by choosing the most appropriate statement that would describe him/her most accurately. In the unstructured interview the person would be asked to talk about himself without any obligation to a specific order and without much direction from the assessor. The observation method is used by the psychologist to learn about a person’s personality, through observing a person’s action and behaviour in different situations. The objective and projective tests are designed to learn aspects of one’s personality. While the objective way uses self-inventories that involve paper and pencil test, the projective way is about deriving information while a person talk about ambiguous stimuli. I shall go into further detail on these two means of assessment and their validity. While looking into methods of assessment, the two main personality tests appeared in either a structured or in an unstructured form. Structured Personality Tests The first structured personality test (also known as ‘objective’) was introduced by the U. S Army, while recruiting soldiers for World War I. The purpose of this test was to identify emotionally disturbed recruits. The test consisted of a list of questions that dealt with different symptoms or problem (e. g. â€Å"do you wet your bed? †). If the recruit was reporting many such symptoms, he was sent to further psychiatric examination (Cronbach, 1970). More personality tests were later introduced; the 2 major ones were the MMPI (Hathaway and McKinley, 1940) and the CPI. The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) assesses traits in comparison to psychiatric diseases, with the intention to make the test multiphasic, meaning diagnostic of a number of different kinds of psychopathology. This test was more concerned in finding abnormal behaviour that would indicate a psychiatric criterion (e. g. paranoia, depression, schizophrenia etc. . The CPI (California Psychological Inventory), unlike the MMPI, focuses on non-clinical behaviour and is more directed to high school and college students. This test investigates various personality traits such as sociability, dominance, responsibility etc. The validity of Structured Personality Tests The main problem with constructed personality tests is that most people taking i t are more or less aware of what the questions represent. Instead of giving an honest account of themselves they may try to manipulate their answers to avoid a stigma of a mental disorder or social stereotypes. Likewise, a person may wish to present him/herself in a bad light, in order to avoid undesirable object (e. g. being drafted). Even when precautions were taken by adding certain validity scales to the test, scales that were meant to make it easier to indicate when a lie was recorded, there was still no guarantee that patients weren’t lying to themselves and projecting their false interpretations when answering such tests. Furthermore, though personality tests can predict behaviour, their accuracy is doubtful. The correlation found between test scores and validity criteria are generally around +0. 0, indicating a low to moderate association (a perfect association between sets of scores produces a correlation of (+/-) 1. 00, whereas scores that are totally unrelated produce a correlation of 0) (Lasky et el. , 1959). Unstructured Personality Test The unstructured personality tests (also known as ‘projective’), introduced in the 1940’s and 1950’s, presen ted the examinee with unstructured tasks such as making up a story to fit a picture or describing what he/she sees in an inkblot. These tests were formed in such way that the examinee -instead of describing how he/she feels, acts or wishes- requires to do so regarding other stimuli. One example of such test is the Rorschach test (Rorschach, 1921). In this test, 10 symmetrical inkblots are presented to the individual; some are coloured and some black and white. The individual is required to describe what he/she sees. The method of interpretation regarding this test consist of various hypothesis, such as the one which claims that using the entire inkblot indicate integrative, conceptual thinking, whereas the use of the white space is supposed to be a sign of rebelliousness and negativism. Responses that are dominated by colour suggest emotionality and impulsivity. Another example is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) (Murrey, 1948). This consisted of thirty pictures of various scenes and a blank card. In each the examinee is required to imagine his/her own scene; describing what is shown, what led up to it and what the outcome of the scene will be in his/her eyes. This outcome of the TAT was interpreted by considering the examinee’s desired end- product as a picture of his/her major motives and conflicts, achievements and aspirations. The validity of Unstructured Personality Tests By now there are over 11,000 published articles regarding the Rorschach and the TAT. According to some experts, these tests have a very limited validity (Holt, 1978; Klein, 1982; Rorer, 1990). These studies have shown that individual Rorschach measurements have little relation to external validity criteria. In its ability to predict psychiatric symptoms, TAT assessments proved no better than the Rorschach’s test. In a study initiated in 1950, TAT was administrated to over 100 males, some in psychiatric facilities and others in college. The TAT results showed no difference between the normal group and patients. It also lacked the ability to show differences within the psychiatric groups (Eron, 1950). Although the TAT was proved to have little value as a diagnostic assessment for psychiatric classification, studies have shown that the test has some validity for more limited purpose, in particularly regarding indications of personal motives. One group of investigators worked with examinees who had not eaten for various periods of time. When presented with TAT pictures, their stories were highly connected to food and hunger, in comparison to the participants of the control group. Similar findings have been obtained concerning various other motives such as aggression, sexual arousal and the need for achievements (Atkinson and McClelland, 1948). Personality tests, in both their structured and unstructured form, consist of many more formats and use a large quantity of assessment methods. Although both types of tests consist of certain flaws, and are not always reliable, their contribution to the understanding of personality is significant. The appearance of such tests in the early 40’s has raised the interest of many researchers, psychologists and psychiatrics, and gave way to further studies on the issue of personality and its construct. References: Gleitman, H. (1999) psychology 5th edition, Norton (chapters 16 and 17) Hampson, Sarah E. (1988) The construction of personality: an introduction. 2nd edition, London: Routledge

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare and contrast paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compare and contrast paper - Movie Review Example the similarities, it is evident that the two movies depict great differences making the 2013 version of Carrie an improved version with regards to additional characters, scenes, and modernization. In this effect, the paper focuses on a comparison and contrast between the two films generated at different times in history. In terms of plot, the two films have a frantically similar layout; however, Carrie 1976 starts with Carrie white as a naà ¯ve, friendless and shy 17 year girl facing child abuse from her religious fanatic mother, Margaret. In the 2013, film a historic layout introduces the film, making viewers know the background of Margaret white as well as the birth of Carrie white. The scene does not appear in the 1976 version, which jumps directly to the play hence denying viewers the privilege of having background information about Carrie and her mother. Evidently, both have Carrie and Margaret as dormant characters although acted by different people motivated by different factors. An aspect of modernism remains clear in the two plots as the 1976 version majors in traditional beliefs and religious ratification. Although the 2013 version of Carrie gives providence to religious and traditional doctrines, it also makes use of other modern aspects as YouTube. For example, when Carrie experiences h er first menstrual period, a longtime bully Chris Hargensen records this and upload into the social site. No modern movie plays without the use of modern technology creating a difference between the 1976 film and the 2013 version. During the prom sequence, Carrie 2013 receives a 21st century twist, which generates a shaky camera that offers a good perspective to viewers. Arguably, the 1976 version of Carrie has terms that do not readily appease viewers. For example, â€Å"dirty pillows† detaches contemporary audience from the original version contrary to the 2013 film which has a modern spin of the classic tale accosted with orchestral tones. Conceivably, the 2013 version

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Broadway Caf Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Broadway Caf - Research Paper Example This paper tends to discuss certain market strategies that can be effectively applied in Broadway Cafe so as to bring it back to the mainstream of profitable businesses. Scope of e-business In order to operate the activities of Broadway Cafe in an efficient manner, it is necessary to design a good website that would provide customers with relevant information regarding the Cafe and its products/services. The website must provide 24 hours live support to customers with intent to satisfy their needs. The firm can also collect customer feedback which is an essential asset of any types of business for further expansion (MBD 1, e-business). The firm must heed genuine concern to cultural sentiments while dealing with diverse customer groups. At the same time the relevance of personal opinions have to be scrutinized well prior to decision making. For instance, an anonymous person’s feedback shows that he did not like the presence of the children at the Cafe. The opinion obviously dep ends on the individual’s social outlook which is of little relevance to practical side of the business. If the company bans children from the Cafe in order to meet an individual’s content, the firm will lose a large group of family customers. The website must be attractive enough to retain the customers as well as to attract new prospects. According to the report of Yankee group, website traffic is the main factor which determines the effectiveness of the company’s website (MBD 2, Competitive advantage). However, large degree of website traffic would not necessarily ensure large sales. Therefore, company must gradually assess the income generated from website traffic along with the number of acquisition of new customers and reduction in customer care calls so as to determine the success or failure of the website. The above discussed points are the primary requirements for a business website; whereas the actual business expansion necessitates some innovative conc epts. Firstly, the company must provide e-business facilities to their customer so that they can order required products through online transaction (e-business). People today wish to have immediate access to products and services in minimum time at less expense. Since the credit card using prepaid delivery system has simplified business transactions across the globe, this feasibility has been identified as one of the competitive advantages of modern firms. Customer retention In addition, Broadway Cafe should also arrange supply vehicles with employees in order to deliver ordered goods at the destinations right time. If the consumers are satisfied with the service, they will not switch their demand to other brands. As part of the business expansion, Broadway Cafe can also take advantage of the website in dealing with their suppliers. The website would help to interact with the suppliers in an effective way so that various costs associated with supply can be minimized to some extent. The website can also be deployed in order to ensure more conveniences to its employees. The application of e-banking would aid the company to easily cope with the payroll dealings; and it would also enable the company to eliminate the difficulties associated with the manual clerical work (United Bank). Company website is the best channel for conducting

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Leadership styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership styles - Essay Example Delegative leaders permit group members to make decisions. This style is best used in circumstances where the head needs to trust on experienced employees. The leader cannot always be correct at all times; thus, and that is why they entrust other duties out to professional and reliable or responsible group members. Leadership attributes needed for graduate level nurses may include team building and communication skills, management and technical competencies, personal integrity, strategic vision or action orientation and personal skills. All these attributes are needed to be a good leader. Leaders are often described as being unrealistic, fortified with strategies. Meaning that strategy and aspiration must be implemented to lead others to a future goal (Kelly, 2012). A potential leader is required to use problem-solving methods to retain member’s efficiency and improve group recognition. They should also be active, eager to have an inspirational impact on other people. They should be focused in finding solutions and pursue to encourage other colleagues. Leaders must be ready to practice these essential qualities even to their work so as to gain the admiration and confidence of his or her group members and guide the progress of clinical exercise, by exhibiting an active leadership style. A leader ought to influence the prosperous progress of other staff members. Leaders should also ensure that qualified standards are sustained and allowing the development of capable experts. Leaders who are looked up upon as driving forces are always admired by their staff members. They are always highly considered as a source for motivation and role models for nurses who inspire to be leaders in the future (Rigolosi, 2013). Leadership for the head nurses is mostly about the following: resolving conflict; delegating appropriately; making decisions, acting with integrity and responsibility. The role also includes encouraging others and being responsive of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Geography Overview of the Maldives

Geography Overview of the Maldives Abstract This paper reviews the Maldives and the political, economic, topographical, and historical geography of the nation and its people. After a brief overview of basic facts, the paper will shift focus to more specific areas. First, a look at the topographical geography of the nation, reviewing formation and size of atolls, as well as climate, flora, and fauna. Historical geography, political geography, and economic geography will be followed by a conclusion of the current state of the Maldives and possible future outcomes of the nation based on political and climate changes. Maldives The Republic of Maldives is a South Asian country comprised of atolls located in the Indian Ocean. It is an isolated archipelago that is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the entire world. The United Nations estimated that the population of Maldives to be approximately 294,000 people (Metz, 1995). The Maldivian capital of Male holds about a quarter of the total population. Officially, Divehi is the language of Maldives. Divehi is spoken similarly to the old Ceylon language. Arabic and Urdu have influenced the language, and Maldivians write in Thaana. Most government officials speak English, but only a small percentage of Maldivians speak anything other than Divehi. Ethnic groups consist of a combination of Sinhalese, Arabic, Dravidian, Australasian, and African assemblages (Metz, 1995). Topographical Geography The Republic of Maldives is the smallest country in Asia. An archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, Maldives consists of nearly 1,200 coral islands assembled in a dual chain of 27 atolls. These atolls sit upon a ridge jutting up from the Indian Ocean in a north-to-south expanse of 596.5 miles (Brown, Turner, Hameed, Bateman, 1997). Many atolls are made of circular coral reefs which support small islands within. Each island spans about a mile, and are less than a mile above sea level. Maldives is the worlds lowest country, with an average ground-level elevation of only 4 feet 11 inches above sea level. The highest point in the Maldives is also the lowest in the world, coming in at 7 feet 10 inches (Metz, 1995). No single island is longer than 5 miles or wider than 18 miles. Each atoll has about five to ten islands that are populated, and twenty to sixty which are unpopulated. Many atolls consist of a main remote island enclosed by a steep coral beach (Metz, 1995). The Maldives archipelago is situated upon the Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive Ridge, which is an immense underwater mountain range. This particular geographical set up forms a unique terrestrial ecoregion, but leaves the nation susceptible to natural disasters due to rising sea levels. For example, the tsunami of 2004 killed more than 100 Maldivians and displaced more than 12,000 (BBC News, 2014). Other environmental issues plague the Maldives, leading to a diminishing supply of freshwater and poor sewage treatment (Brown et al, 1997). Approximately 200 of these atolls are inhabited by local Maldivians, and 87 of the islands have been converted into lavish resorts for travelers and tourists. The lush groves of breadfruit and coconut trees, the sandy beaches and beautiful corals visible through crystal clear waters combined to attract nearly a million and a half tourists to Maldives in 2015 (Naish, 2016). Historical and Political Geography Early Maldivian history is shrouded in mystery. No archeological remains have been found of early settlers. The earliest identified settlers were probably from southern India followed by migrants from Sri Lanka. Arab sailors came from east Africa and other countries, and todays ethnicity reflects a blend of these cultures (Metz, 1995). Many researchers believe the earliest settlers to be of Aryan descent, coming from India and Sri Lanka in the 5th century BC. Maldivians are believed to have practiced Hinduism, then Buddhism until 1153 AD. The sitting king of Maldives was converted to Islam in the 12th century (Metz, 1995). Maldivian history reflects the Islamic concept that before Islam, ignorance reigned, although the Maldivian culture reflects much of the customs and mannerisms from when Buddhism was prominent in the area. Since that initial Islamic conversion, the recording of history in Maldives was much more consistent (MaldiveIsle, 2010). After Islamic conversion, the Maldivian government was considered a monarchy ruled by sovereign sultans, and intermittent Sultanas or queens (MaldiveIsle, 2010). Trade wars with the Portuguese during the 16th century lead to Portuguese seizure of Male in 1558. In 1573, resistance leader Muhmmad Thakurufanu defeated the Portuguese invaders and ruled Maldives until 1752. At this time, Malabari pirates overthrew the Sultan, Ali 6th, and stationed army troops in the capitol. Maldivian leader Muleege Hassan Maniku regained control of the throne (MaldiveIsle, 2010). Political instability led Maldives to enter into a protectorate with the British in 1887, wherein Maldives gained protection from foreign antagonism, in exchange agreeing not to join forces with any other foreign authority (MaldiveIsle, 2010). Although researchers disagree whether or not Maldives was definitely independent of British power, for the most part Maldivians enjoyed independence from foreign rulers. The Maldivian constitution was formed in 1932, with overtones of Islamic Sharia law, and the sultanate becoming an elected position (MaldiveIsle, 2010). However, the public disagreed, physically tearing the Constitution to pieces and dethroning the Sultan in 1934 for overstepping his bounds. A new Constitution was written in 1937. Nine years later, the British agreement was renewed. The Maldives changed from a monarchy to a Republic within the British Commonwealth in 1953, and the position of sultanate was eliminated. Mohammed Amin Didi was the first elected President of Maldives, but his victory was cut short after being overthrown due to food scarcities and his tobacco ban. The Sultanate once again ruled Maldives until 1968, with famine caused by World War Two lingering into the 1950s. Mohammed Fareedh was the last Sultan of the Maldives, having been ousted after the Republic was reinstated and Ibrahim Nasir became President in 1968 (BBC News, 2016). Nasir retired in 1978, and was succeeded by Abd al-Gayoom. Maldives rejoined the Commonwealth in 1982, after the tourist industry led to expanded economic growth (BBC News, 2016). Gayoom was reelected repeatedly until 2008, when opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed became President. Nasheed resigned in 2012 after demonstrations and mutiny by the police force, and Vice-President Mohamed Waheed rose to the Presidency. Political unrest in Maldives continued after the 2013 election of Gayooms half-brother, Abdulla Yameen. However, opposition leader and former President Nasheed was arrested on terrorism charges in 2015, prompting speculation from international governments about political unrest in Maldives (BBC News, 2016). Nasheed was sentenced to 13 years for his terrorism case, but was granted leave in January 2016 to travel to Britain for back surgery. In April, the Maldivian government ordered Nasheed to return; however, Nasheed was granted refugee status in Britain, where he remains to this day (BBC News, 2016). Abdulla Yameen remains the Maldivian President, and in October 2016 the Maldives announced its departure from the Commonwealth (BBC News, 2016). Current political atmospheres in Maldives appear to be relatively stable. The political structure remains a Republic with an executive President and a Legislature known as Peoples Majlis. Both positions are selected during elections that take place every five years. Like the United States, Presidents are limited to two terms in office (BBC News, 2016). Economic Geography Once known as The Money Isles, Maldives was the main producer of cowry shells. These Maldivian cowries were used in monetary transactions over most of Asia and much of East Africa, and the cowry is used as the symbol of the Maldives Monetary Authority. Historically, shipping and fishing have been the fixed industries of the nation, not surprising since the Maldives territory is comprised of islands (MaldiveIsle, 2010). Poor soil quality and scarce cultivatable land limit the practice of agriculture. Native fruits and vegetables are used mainly to feed natives, and most other living essentials are imported. Crafting and boatbuilding fuel business workings, and more modern manufacturing and assembly is limited to a fish cannery, a few garment factories, and assorted consumer products. Many Maldivians work in the fishing industry, which employs almost half of the labor force (Brown et al, 1997). With fishing being the main source of employment for Maldivians, a variety of fish is caught and exported for profit. The main types of fish caught and sold are skipjack tuna, yellowfin tuna, little tuna, and frigate mackerel. Once done by hand with a line and pole, modern fishing vessels have enabled Maldivian fishermen to nearly triple their catch, while refrigeration has allowed for longer storage times which enable fishermen to travel farther out to sea for their catch (MaldiveIsle, 2010). Although there appears to be a shortfall of resources in the Maldives, tourism has grown impressively over the last twenty years. The beauty and tranquility of the water, as well as the native flora and fauna attracts nearly 1.2 million tourists per year. Because of this uptick in tourism, skilled laborers such as construction workers, tile workers, and other craftsmen are experiencing an increase in work (Naish, 2016). Overall, Maldives is a beautiful, lively nation with a vibrant history and interesting culture. From early Dravinian culture to modern-day Islam, Maldives has remained steadfast in its resolve to preserve the atolls that nearly a quarter million people call home. However, despite local government efforts, the increasing damaging effects of climate change and global warming threaten to eliminate this isolated gem from the world map entirely. Only time will tell if efforts to reduce climate change impact can save this wonderful nation. References Brown, K., Turner, R., Hameed, H., Bateman, I. (1997). Environmental carrying capacity and tourism development in the Maldives and Nepal. Environmental Conservation, 24(4), 316-325. Retrieved from History of Maldives. (2010). In Maldive Isle. Retrieved from Maldives Profile- Timeline. (2016). In BBC News. Retrieved from Metz, H. C. Library Of Congress. Federal Research Division. (1995) Indian Ocean: five island countries. [Washington, D.C.: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O] [Online Text] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, Naish, A. (2016). Tourist arrivals reach 1.2m in 2015. In Maldives Independent. Retrieved from

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Developmental studies

At the beginning of the twentieth century underdeveloped countries began to look for the ways to diminish their dependency on agricultural exports and to bring on an industrial revolution. The situation which evoked this need was critical. The problem was that the underdeveloped countries developed mainly the policies of supporting primary commodity exports. Transportation policy was used in the infrastructure for delivering the export crop to the harbour.The research institutions specialized in agriculture worked only on improving crops for export, for example, sugar cane, coffee, cotton, etc.  while crops for domestic consumption, for instance, beans or manioc corn, potatoes, left with little or even without expenditure. As a result some of the underdeveloped countries had to follow the policy of import substitution to induce industrialization. Import substitution industrialization will be the goal of study of this paper. This economic policy will be investigated in the frames of an economic term with the necessary characteristics and also in a wider meaning as the experience of the countries of East Asia and Latin America.In the process of research different points of view, both pro and contra, will be cited in order to shed the light on positive and negative aspects and cover the field broadly. In the conclusion of the paper the main findings will be summed up. The term of import substitution can be defined as an economic process and as a policy strategy. As a process import substitution relates to the situation â€Å"where regions (more precisely, existing or new economic activities within regions) take up the production of goods or services which formerly were imported, but, for whatever reasons, now can be viably produced within the region (e.g. as a result of population increases leading to increases in demand or as a result of productivity increases resulting in greater competitiveness. †(Economic Geography Glossary, 1999)Import substitution i ndustrialization (ISI) as the economic strategy means encouraging the development of domestic industry by limiting manufactured goods import. The need of ISI implementation arouses from the belief that there is a potential comparative advantage in some of the industries of developing countries, but these industries are too weak yet to compete with foreign well-established ones.Thus, in order to allow infant industries to establish themselves and to realize their potential, and consequently to be able to compete internationally, governments should support the initial period of their development. The protection of government implies temporary measures such as using tariffs or import quotas to start industrialization in the country. As a policy strategy import substitution can be used to achieve the following goals: 1) to utilize the capacities which are underused; 2) to fight unemployment in the regions;3) to protect infant industries. The policy of import substitution industrializati on, according to the definition provided by the encyclopaedia, is â€Å"a trade and economic policy based on the premise that a developing country should attempt to substitute products which it imports, mostly finished goods, with locally produced substitutes. †(Wikipedia, 2005) The theory of import substitution has much common with the theory of mercantilism. Both the theories promote minimal imports and high exports as the means of inducing the growth of national wealth.In order to implement the policy of import substitution industrialization, the following three main tenets must be pursued: 1) protective barriers to trade, which can be set up in the form of tariffs. Tariffs or custom duties are applied to the goods which are imported and in this way they artificially protect domestic industries from competition with foreign companies; 2) a particular industrial policy, which orchestrates and subsidizes production of the substitutes; 3) a monetary policy, which will keep th e domestic currency overvalued.Monetary policy is implemented by setting reserve requirements and changing some interest rates directly or indirectly. The chief tools of monetary policy are operations in open market. In open market money circulates through the selling and buying of deferent foreign currencies credit instruments, or commodities. Such sales or purchases create a certain base currency which leaves or enters market circulation. Usually open market operations are aimed at achieving a specific short term interest rate target.However, monetary policy may also target a certain â€Å"exchange rate relative to some foreign currency or else relative to gold. † (Wikipedia, 2005) Equally important is to note that import substitution as economic protectionalizm can have negative outcomes. Stutz pointed out that â€Å"This form of economic protectionism helped some countries industrialize in the past but involves economic risks. † (Stutz and Souza, 1998) The risks of import substitution meant by Stutz are potential inefficiencies and higher prices.Successful implementation of this policy as a rule needs massive expenditure on infrastructure. Additionally, import substitution is accompanied by the establishment of state firms in the areas of industry which are thought to be too risky or too large for the private sector (or example, steel, aircraft) or estimated to be too important to be owned by foreign firms (or instance, oil). The policy of import substitution industrialization was argued by the advocates of absolute free trade theory.Generally, free trade becomes possible when the flow of services and goods between countries is not taxed. In particular, the economists who supported free trade policy stated that economic strategy would become successful only under the following conditions: 1) international trade in services must be without trade barriers, or tariffs; 2) international trade of goods must not be free from any possible tariffs (n amely taxes on imports) or trade barriers (for example, quotas on import); 3) the free movement of international labor; 4) the free movement of international capital;5) the absence of any economic protectionalizm, implemented by trade-distorting policies (for instance, subsidies, regulations taxes, or laws), which gives an advantage to domestic firms, factors of production, and households over foreign ones. Thus, it becomes obvious that free trade proponents advocated the policy which totally contradicted the fundamental tenets of import substitution industrialization. On the other hand, free trade proponents suggested that a foreign subsidy should be considered as another of comparative advantage and consequently domestic barriers should not be imposed on the purchase of goods produced overseas.Free trade economists pointed out that unlimited imports will be beneficial for domestic consumers which overweighs the loss of domestic producers. Thus, the lower prices of foreign subsidie s can be considered as net positive. Therefore, the domestic society where any import restriction is applied becomes â€Å"a whole worse off than it would be with unlimited imports. † (Wikipedia, 2005) Anyway, the viewpoints of the both theories – import substitution industrialization and absolute free trade – were checked in the process of their implementation and in real life experience.In the period from 1930 to 1940 the policy of import substitution industrialization was adopted in many underdeveloped countries of Latin America. The driving force which precipitated the acceptance of import substitution idea was the Great Depression which took place in 1930s. According to article Concern with Policy-relevance in the Latin American School of Economics authored by Bianchi, â€Å"Import substitution was a necessary condition for peripheral growth, in association with structural reforms in the economy.The focus should be placed on the strenghtening of the domest ic market, which was seen as the crucial element of an inward-looking model of development. † (Bianchi A. M. , 2003) Later on, in the 1950s Raul Prebisch, the prominent Argentine economist, expressed his belief that the only way to succeed for developing countries was to build forward linkages domestically and to create industries which would work on primary products already produced by the countries themselves. The policy of tariffs would help the domestic industry to prosper.By implementing the policy of import substitution industrialization in the period from 1950 to 1970 a number of Latin America countries, in particular Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, attempted to reach positive results and to increase their national wealth. The success of the policy in these countries was based on either high living standards or large populations. However, poorer and smaller countries, for example, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, were not successful in adopting import s ubstitution policy.Also it is notable that the countries which succeeded in import substitution industrialization managed to change the structure of their governments. Thus neo-colonialism collapsed and was replaced by democratic way of governing. Nationalization turned banks and utilities into public property and returned to nation some of the companies previously owned by foreigners. A case of implementation of import substitution industrialization can be examined with the help of the example of Brazil.Brazil was the country which carried the policy of import substitution industrialization later than other underdeveloped countries. The economists in Brazil carefully analyzed its effects and were planning the industrial development of the country while the other countries started import substitution mainly by accident. It is important to note that Brazil initially had all the chances for success in the policy of import substitution, since its population goes up to 170 million, whic h makes Brazil the fifth largest country in the world.Also Brazil is the fifth largest country by its land area. And finally, Brazil is rich in forest reserves, minerals, navigable rivers agricultural land, and hydroelectric capability. The development of Brazilian economy in the period from 1950 to the 1970s confirmed the most optimistic views. Brazil with its rich resources and reserves was called â€Å"the land of the future†. In 1950 Brazil attempted to establish the largest industry of motor vehicle having practically no sufficient basis. Thirty years later aircraft of Brazil were working on commuter airlines on the United States.Brazilian shoes spread everywhere. Moreover, Brazil opened up the richest iron mine in the world and Brazilians found out the capital city on the place where previously had been a roadless jungle and built the network of roads going deep into Amazon. When the oil prices rose and began threatening the development of Brazil economy, Brazilians lau nched huge hydroelectric projects to operate the growing industries of the â€Å"Golden Triangle†, which included Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte and required the new automobiles to run on rum instead of gasoline.At the beginning of the 1980s even pessimists agreed that Brazil was â€Å"the country of future†, however added â€Å"and always will be†. The growth of Brazil stopped, when it was almost close to ripening. The modern cities in Brazil coexist together with miserable shanty-towns surrounded with open sewers. The roads are shared by modern vehicles and hand carts. The wages of Brazilian executives are the highest in the world, but at the same time average workers hardly reach subsistence level. Some economists call Brazil â€Å"a Switzerland within an India.† Other economists consider that the case of Brazil brightly illustrates economic growth without economic development. Economist Celso Furtado characterized the state of Brazilian economy in the following way: â€Å"The Brazilian economy constitutes a very interesting example of how far a country can go in the process of industrialization without abandoning its main features of underdevelopment: great disparity in productivity between urban and rural areas, a large majority of the population living at a physiological subsistence level, increasing masses of unemployed people in the urban zones, etc.† (Development policies, Catching Up, Sec 2, Chap 14) By the 1950s the industrial development by means of import substitution had been already a planned process in Brazil. New industries were protected from the foreign competition with the help of a number of methods. Basic industries (for example, steel, electrical power, petroleum reining) became either fully owned by state or received direct subsidies. Law of Similars aimed at putting high tariffs (sometimes tariffs went up to 300%) on imported goods as soon as any domestic firm somewhere in Brazil started manufacturing something ‘similar’.The industries considered high priority always could be credited under favorable terms by a national development bank. For some period of time, the government even set multiple exchange rates in order to lower the cost of imported capital equipment while the price of imported finished goods was kept expensive. One of the growing Brazilian industries in the mid of twentieth century was motor vehicles. The government hoped that foreign financing would help to expand Brazilian firms which were already producing motor parts, bus bodies, truck and so on and soon would turn them into real vehicle manufacturers.But this approach had to be changed for the government of Brazil faced the reluctance of American government to extend loans and the disapproval of the firms from Europe and the USA who owned a critical technology. The world famous giants – Fiat General Motors, Mercedes Volkswagen, and Ford – were threatened to lose their markets in Brazil if they did not manufacture vehicles within the country. It is important to note that modern manufacturing, in particular the production of appliances, motor vehicles, TVs and so on is a complex process that requires substantial knowledge and skill.Final assembly became possible in Brazil since it was the last stage of production and required the least skill. So, launching modern industries Brazil could start with final assembly and gradually came to more complicated â€Å"backwards†, which included more difficult procedures. For example, Volkswagen could start importing complete parts, such as engines, wheels etc. and assemble them in Sao Paulo plant. The tariffs allowed Volkswagen to sell 1960 30% Brazilian Beetle for twice what Europeans would pay even if the quality was not that high. Eventually, most of the parts became produced in Brazil and the quality of assembly improved.Gradually, the competition from Brazilian Fiats, Fords, and Chevrolets pushed the price down. In this way, Brazilian motor vehicle industry became more and more efficient and even in the 1970s Brazil exported subassemblies and parts to America and to the European countries. By 1980 Brazil started exporting entire vehicles. When import substitution industrialization was implemented in Latin America, the drawbacks of the policy soon revealed themselves. In Brazil as well as in other Latin America countries import substitution model led to foreign ownership in all the sectors in industry except those occupied by state enterprise.When the interests of foreign firms were threatened by Brazilian taxes, environmental or labor legislation, American, German, Italian, British Japanese or French owners were quick to call on their state departments. In particular, the Department of the United States defined one of its key objects as establishing favorable â€Å"business climate†. This meant undermining Brazilian government. Thus, in 1964 some Brazilian generals, b eing encouraged by American officials, made an attempt to overthrow constitutional government of their country.Another drawback of import substitution industrialization revealed in the fact that this policy led to huge foreign debts. It was not accidental, that Brazil and Mexico ran into debts in order to cover the expenses of their infrastructure development. The development of infrastructure needs a large number of hard currency imports. If infrastructure grows and increases exports together with hard currency earnings, a country can borrow in dollars. Then, under such condition, the country has to earn dollars in order to make the interest payments.But import substitution requires borrowing in dollars for the purpose of economic development of the domestic production that will not necessarily expand exports. By the end of the seventies the countries of Latin America faced the problem: Where to go next? And the next logical step was to export the goods which had been already produ ced efficiently. By the middle of the eighties Brazil became the largest exporter of shoes and coffee, among ten major exports to America, six were manufactured projects. Nevertheless, the expansion of manufactured goods made Brazilian economy vulnerable to retaliatory tariffs.Moreover, in the 1980s Brazil as well as other underdeveloped countries of Latin America did not manage to pursue the next layer of import substitution ( in particular, microchips, computers, capital equipment), although they attempted to create open markets for their manufactured consumer goods. Unlike the nations of Latin America, the majority of East Asian nations rejected the policy of import substitution industrialization. Due to this, as many economists think, East Asia had its superior performance in the seventies and the eighties of the twentieth century.Generally speaking, the Asian growth had started before World War II in Japan. The process of Asian growth included three groups of countries whose ec onomic â€Å"miracle† began at different times: 1) Japan (after the Second World War); 2) The â€Å"four tigers†: Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore (the sixties of the twentieth century); 3) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, China (from the 1970s to the 1980s) In fact, by rejecting import substitution industrialization Asian nations managed to avoid some negative results of this policy. First, their economies were not dragged by inefficient industries.Second, East Asia did not have to implement policies benefiting industrial workers at the expense of those working on the farms. This was crucial for Asian countries because farmers made up the majority of their population. In addition, in order to diminish the cost of industrialization, the cost of food needed to be kept artificially low. And also, East Asia attempted to prevent the appearance of rent seeking behaviours, which resulted from the usage of the licensing schemes for import substitution strategy and whic h usually increased inefficiency of economics.High tariffs on manufactured goods, which were imposed by many countries in order to create their manufacturing bases, forced multinational companies to assemble or produce them locally. For example, manufacturers of motor industry exported vehicles for local assembly. Their vehicles were delivered ‘completely knocked down’ and the local assembly resulted in poorer quality and higher expenditures in comparison with those imported already built up. Moreover, the local assembly of identical products only duplicated resources and reduced economies of scale, which became increasingly inefficient for manufacturers.On the whole, at the beginning of 1980s the policy of import substitution industrialization began to fail both in Latin America and in those Asian countries where the policy was adopted. Generally, it happened because the governments involved in the policy started to overspend reserves in order to keep the stability of currency. The governments in Latin America defaulted on their debts and had to turn to the help of the International Monetary Fund. Another process which contributed to the failure of import substitution was globalization.However, some economists think that the collapse of the policy of import substitution industrialization â€Å"should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement of globalization. † (Wikipedia, 2005) Such point of view was supported by the fact that some countries of East Asia also used high tariff barriers while rejecting the rest of the strategy of import substitution. This mixed policy was focused on investment and subsidies on the industries which would produce goods for export. As a result, these Asian countries managed to create competitive industries.However, irrespective of all their achievements, the policies described above also proved to be inefficient and later led to many problems during Asian financial crisis. The closing period of import substit ution industrialization was in 1989 when the Washington Consensus as a set of policies designed to promote economic growth in the countries of Latin America was presented by John Williamson. The Washington Consensus included reforms which continued the policy of import substitution industrialization offering a modernized version of its tenets.In particular, the Washington Consensus proposed the following: 1) the discipline of fiscal policy; 2) tax reform. It flattened tax curve: the tax rates on high tax brackets were lowered and the tax rates on the low tax brackets were raised. Also it suggested lowering the marginal tax rate; 3) Competitive exchange rates; 4) Trade liberalization by means of low and uniform tariffs which would replace quantitative restrictions; 5) Reduced limitation for foreign direct investment; 6) Privatization of state enterprises;7) Deregulation, which implies â€Å"abolition of regulations that impede entry or restrict competition, except for those justifie d on safety, environmental and consumer protection grounds, and prudential oversight of financial institutions† (Wikipedia, 2005) 8) Property rights must be legally secured; 9) Public spending should be redirected toward the investment of health, education, and infrastructure; 10) â€Å"Interest rates that are market determined and positive (but moderate) in real terms. † (Wikipedia, 2005) In the nineties the Washington consensus was being disputed.The critics of the reforms argued that they would lead vulnerable countries to crisis instead of helping to overcome it. Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky claimed that the neoliberal policies of the Washington consensus would lead to the exploitation of labor market of an underdeveloped economy by a more developed one. (Wikipedia, 2005) Privatization of state industries, deregulation, and tax reform were seen by the opponents as the reforms which would ensure the development of the layer of local monied elite who would pursue loca l interests and try to maintain local status quo.Jorge Taiana, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Argentina, also disapproved the Washington consensus saying that such policies never had a real consensus and nowadays â€Å"a good number of governments of the hemisphere are reviewing the assumptions with which they applied those policies in the 1990s,† adding that governments are working on a development model which would ensure productive employment and guarantee the generation of real wealth. (Wikipedia, 2005)Another economist Duncan Kennedy in the article for The Boston Review stated that the Washington Consensus completely opposed the initial tenets of import substitution industrialization and more favoured American political interests: â€Å"In the form promoted by the United States, ISI was as hostile to free-market economics as to Communism. The overarching idea of the Washington Consensus was to wipe out every aspect of ISI: the Washington Consensus is both that free mark ets are good and that ISI [Import substitution industrialization] was bad.Developing countries were to develop through integration into the world commodity and capital markets, with policies of deregulated private enterprise, foreign investment, and open economic borders. † (Kennedy D. 2003) All in all, taking into consideration the mistakes of the previous experience and the criticism of the economists, the developmental policy of import substitution industrialization has never been returned since the time of the Washington Consensus. Thus, in the paper import substitution industrialization as a process and as a policy was investigated.It was found out that import substitution pursues three main goals: utilization of underused capacities, reducing unemployment and infant industries protection. The implementation of the policy of import substitution industrialization is based on three tenets: particular monetary and industrial policies, and protective trade barriers. However, it turned out that success and efficiency of import substitution industrialization was doubted by the proponents of absolute free market.Potential risks of import substitution were also visible while careful theoretical analysis and pointed out by economists. The underdeveloped countries of Latin America and East Asia implemented the policy of import substitution industrialization. It occurred that the potential risks and the negative aspects found out by the proponents of absolute free market constituted the drawbacks of the policy and finally became the chief factors of its failure.However, the major part of East Asian countries rejected the policy and experienced economic growth. The example of Brazil demonstrated that the policy of import substitution industrialization can stimulate economic growth for some period of time, but its drawbacks (first of all high expenditures and inefficiencies) pose real obstacles for continuous and strong economic development.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Feasibility Report Essay

The company will sell custom-made cakes, cupcakes and coffee. The revenues from the business will come from the sale of decorated cakes and cupcakes, as well as coffee for customers who visit the shop. The business will raise revenue from service: cake decoration and creation of the centerpieces of many of the most remarkable occasions of the lives of clients. Service revenue will come from different customized cake designs, decoration and bake creations. The business will use many different designs as discussed by Graham (2007) and Wilson (2011). The major revenue source during the initial year will be service revenue, including drink, cakes, and cupcakes sales. The business includes walk-in service. It will have two ordering delivery channels; phone orders and via online ordering. In addition, parking bays will be provided at a fee. The projected revenue from parking bays will be $75000 per year. The revenue from the sale of cupcakes, cakes and drinks is projected to be $100000 yea rly. The revenue from custom-making service will be $50000 annually. Therefore, the total projected revenue will be $225000. Cost Drivers The business will consider the costs in order to stay in business (Marron, 2014); (Kidder, 2012 ). a) Upfront Costs Since the business is new, there will be several starting costs before  official opening. Upfront costs consist of the purchase of furniture and fittings (table, chairs, coffee machines, installation of EFTPOS (electronic funds transfer at point of sale) and computers, cutlery, and front decoration (Ilasco and Seto, 2012 ); (Spencer, 2010). Advertising expenses will consist of the advertising campaign in the initial year. The advertising drive will be geared towards increasing sales to cater for the other costs (Marquis, Demand Media, 2014). Materials for shop decoration will be used to attract new customers. The total cost will include the cost of employing an interior designer. In addition, the business will consider the bond for the rent. This is because the expense must be paid prior before the business is opened. There will be other upfront costs that will include the certificates and legislations required for the business opening (Department of Health, 2014). b) Fixed Costs Owing to the scenic area of Melbourne, the high cost of rent must be taken into account. Utilities like lighting, heating, telephone lines, internet router and air conditioning have to be considered before the official opening. The business will choose a cheap electricity supplier. There are many to choose from (Smart Utilities, 2014). For an attractive design of the display in the shop, an interior designer with experience will be sought once per year. The cost associated with this will be recorded as ‘expenses for design.’ Besides, the parking bays’ rental will be a yearly fixed cost paid to Melbourne City Council (Hamer, Currie and Young , 2011). The parking bays will be provided to increase revenue. The business will take legislations into consideration, because set annual fees will have to be paid to the relevant bodies to ensure business continuation. c) Variable Costs These are the expenses that will change with the output of the business. The main variable cost in the cake and cupcake shop is raw materials used in the production of cupcakes, coffee and cakes such as lollies, vegetables, fruits, flour, milk, coffee beans and chocolate (Leach and Melicher, 2014). The cost of vegetables and fruits will change depending on seasonal and weather changes. There will be other variable costs like package expenses: boxes, bags, staff wages and utilities. The workers in the shop will include 1 baker 1 decorator Junior casual staff Wages will be paid fortnightly. Additionally, the business will offer staff uniforms and training opportunities. There will be allowance of discount expenses owing to the high-inventory turnover and the need to supply fresh products. On special occasions, the business may have deals or offers that will reduce the unit profit. There will be other expenses like machinery maintenance, new fittings and insurance. These will be required as the business grows. Resource Requirements/Mapping Human Resource It will be very easy to get the key employees as it will only involve placing adverts on the street notice boards. There will be an added cost of interviews, as well as paying the Melbourne City Council (City of Melbourne, 2014). Physical Resource Property for lease is available in the area identified. Due to the scenery of the area, the cost of lease is high. However, the expected returns are high. The business premises will be gotten under a one-year lease. This will save the cost that may be incurred in paying monthly costs. Similarly, it will avoid the costs associated with monthly rent increases. Financial Resource The total startup cost is $130000. The business will raise $30000 and $100000 will be obtained from the bank as loan. Costs for maintenance will be catered for by the revenue from the business. Investment Size The business plans to raise $130000 to meet its startup cost. The funds will be used for: Developing the company’s cupcake and cakes store location Financing for the first year of operation Capital to buy baking equipment and ovens The company will contribute $30000 to the venture. The remaining $100000 will be financed by the bank as loan. Projected Startup Costs Initial Lease Payments and Deposits $20000 Working Capital $60000 Security Deposits $20000 Opening Supplies $10000 Company Vehicle and Lease Deposits $2000 Marketing Budget $10000 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Costs $8000 Total Startup Costs $130000 References Aaron Marquis, Demand Media , 2014. The Average Profit Margin for a Cake Bakery. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014]. Department of Health, V. A., 2014. Starting a food business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014].  Graham, J., 2007. The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook. Print ed. London: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated. J. Leach, Ronald Melicher, 2014 . Entrepreneurial Finance. 5 ed. Stamford: Cengage Learning. Kidder, D., 2012 . The Startup Playbook: Secrets of the Fastest-Growing Startups from Their Founding Entrepreneurs. Illustrated ed. San Francisco : Chronicle Books. Marron, D., 2014. Cupcake Economics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014]. Meg Mateo Ilasco, Catherine Seto, 2012 . Mom, Inc.: The Essential Guide to Running a Successful Business Close to Home. Illustrated ed. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. Melbourne, C. o., 2014. Rates and valuations. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014]. Paul Hamer, Graham Currie, William Young , 2011. Parking Price Policies – A review of the Melbourne congestion levy. Australasian Transport Research Forum 2011 Proceedings , 1(1), pp. 1-16. Spencer, P., 2010 . Start a Cupcake Business Today. London: InformationTree Press. StartupBizHub, 2014. Starting a Cake Business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014]. Utilities, S., 2014. Compare Electricity Rates in Victoria. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 05 2014]. Wilson, D., 2011 . Baker’s Field Guide to Cupcakes. Unabridged, reprint ed. New York City: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Individual Needs in Health Social Care Essays

Individual Needs in Health Social Care Essays Individual Needs in Health Social Care Paper Individual Needs in Health Social Care Paper Essay Topic: Health What is this unit about? The aim of this unit is to the aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills related to meeting individual needs. Knowledge and understanding of the needs of individuals is fundamental to delivering effective health and social care. Assessment of the needs of individuals is necessary before a plan can be developed to meet their needs. In this unit learners will explore different needs in relation to MASLOWS hierarchy of needs and consider how needs may vary at different life stages. The unit requires learners to gather relevant information from an individual to enable identification of the general needs of an individual and to use the information from this assessment to develop a plan to improve the individual’s general health and wellbeing. Scenario: you are a trainee health and social care support worker. You have been asked your supervisor to prepare a presentation detailing an action plan created by you for an individual that will help them to improve their overall health and well being. Learning outcomes: On completion of this unit a learner should: Know everyday needs of individuals. Understand factors that influence the health and needs of individuals. Be able to plan to meet the health and wellbeing needs of an individual. Section 1: p1 outline the everyday needs of individuals All human beings have needs. Some of these needs are universal but others vary according to life stag. According to Abraham Maslow, all individuals have five main hierarchy needs which are required for development and survival. This is shown in his hierarchy of needs. All humans being have physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs (pies) that very across P.I.E.S.S Physical needs: Physical aspects are all the needs we have to keep our bodies working as well as they can. Everyone’s bodies are different, there are certain we all share, such as good and nutritious food, clean water, shelter and an unpolluted environment to live in. sometimes we take part in activities which can be harmful to us physically, such as taking drugs, smoking, drinking alcohol excessively or not taking enough exercise. These damage our bodies so that our physical needs are not met. Intellectual needs: this needs develop and keep our brains working as well as possible. They include mental activity and stimulation to keep us motivated and interested, rather than bored. Children meet their intellectual needs by constantly exploring and questioning the world around them. With intellectual achievements and learning throughout our lives to keep our brain active. Emotional needs: emotional needs are met when we experience things that make us feel happy and wanted and give us a positive self-concept, such as affection, good relationships, fulfilment, love and respect. Emotional needs changes as we grow and develop. We need to be able to feel, express and recognise different emotions in order to cope with different situations that arise throughout our lives. Sometimes these emotions can be sad, such as grief after the death of a friend or relative. Social needs: these are the aspect of our life that enables us to develop and enjoy good relationships and friendships with others. It is important that we have family and friends, and belong to groups or are part of a community, in order to have a sense of belonging and to feel that we are accepted. Spiritual needs: spirituality means different things to different people. That will include religion or what providers a sense of personal meaning throughout your life. Spiritual needs are needs based on our personal beliefs and are unique to each of us. Needs in relation to life stages Human have similar needs however needs are very even though at every single stage of life we have the same needs, (as shown in Maslow’s hierarchy). In order to develop positively, the way we fulfil these needs vary according to age. The information below is a summary of our P.I.E.S.S at different life stages. Infants(0 to 3 years) They like to be fed to have everything done for them. To have lots of sleep. Have toys and books help them to learn and develop their cross and fine motor. Children(4 to 10) On this age children are learning to be more independent so they need to have the opportunities to develop independence in all aspect of PIES needs. They are further developing their motor skills and will be playing with more advanced toys. Adolescents(11 to 18) It when you are usually going trough puberty and starting to change into an adult. Friendship needs become particularly important as you form more intimate relationships associated with your sexual and emotional development. Adulthood(19 to 65) Adulthood is the stage of life when most people start to feel that they understand and accept themselves and begin to feel more settled. Adults tend to spend a lot of time making decisions, such as where to live, who to live with, whether to get married and have children, what job to do. In any age group the importance of different health needs changes with time but, because the different stages of adulthood are longer, so adults have more varying needs. Later adulthood (old age) In this age peoples bodies gradually change and start to wear out little. They will have more needs as they get older, such as access to convenient health and leisure facilities. They can retire from work and their children have usually moved out so they can spend their days doing the things they have always to do, provided they remain healthy and have saved for retirement.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free sample - What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. translation missing

What is your motivation for pursuing an MBA. What is your motivation for pursuing an MBAWhat is your motivation for pursuing an MBA now and how will UCLA Anderson help you to achieve your goals? Today’s world is a business arena and most of the people hold a keen desire to have a successful business. Yet without professional knowledge one can’t run a successful business. Entrepreneurs as well as corporate executives and managers require professional soundness and expertise to conduct any business successfully. For that a sound academic background is a must which can not come without a professional degree. MBA degree gives an edge over others who don’t have it. It provides ample opportunities to learn ins and outs of business and global corporate practices. Everybody wants to pursue a brighter career path and I think an MBA degree is a prerequisite for building a good business career. From the early stage of my life, I aspire to start a business of my own. Becoming my own boss is my only dream. This is a fact that business can be started with trial and error mode but profitability can not be assured like this. To be successful profound knowledge and practical experience is a must which only an MBA program can offer.   This degree gives an added advantage in all the phases of life. Learning from this formal education builds confidence and enable the person to take challenge and critical decision at the right time. MBA degree holders always get preference in the business environment and are treated as stars. Thus, pursuing an MBA before starting my career is a necessity. UCLA Anderson is one of the best management schools all over the world. Students get renowned faculty with enriched labs, libraries and other academic facilities. The MBA curriculum of UCLA Anderson is quite unique and focuses on the individual preferences and choices. Students are nurtured in a way that enables them to cope with work challenges and competitive business world. The world class environment and highly skilled educators and researchers of this institute helps to expose the hidden talent of the students. Throughout the MBA program, students are groomed with practical assignments, case studies and term papers which help them learn managerial techniques. This grooms their decision making abilities by enhancing their understanding about various issues. Those renowned faculties share their own practical experiences in the field of finance, marketing, management, human resource management, accounting, operation research, organization behavior from which students get benefited. The program is designed to enhance the quality and skills which helps the students to become the future head of any organization. The leadership skill of the MBA students of UCLA Anderson is evident from the fact that many top corporate managers and executives have this degree from this institute. MBA students become so adept about the business that they can withstand any challenging situation. An MBA graduate is expected to be the master of any business activity and it is only possible with a sound academic background and practical knowledge. I believe the MBA program of UCLA Anderson help students to become the masters in the business field. Its curriculum is said to be the best which not only equip students with theoretical knowledge but also the practical stuff which is of great importance while dealing with any challenging situations. UCLA Anderson produces future business leaders, highly profound government officials and organization heads that are capable of making right decision at the right time. The MBA graduates enjoy being a part of a community of 36000 worldwide alumni networks. The interaction among the faculties and students is so good that all become a family which gives rise to a knowledgeable and learned community. Even after the completion of the program UCLA Anderson graduates are seen in various reunions and get together programs. It is the practicality and reliability of UCLA Anderson MBA program which makes it my dream to be a part of this renowned family by enrolling myself in the program. The World class education of UCLA Anderson and the academic environment will surely help me develop my managerial skills. I can apply those skills and education in the operating area when I will engage myself in the business. Graduates of this program established themselves in various fields and working in different multinational organizations countrywide and abroad. The higher demand of UCLA Anderson MBA program in the job market inspires me to undertake the course in this institute. Since the course is customized to the needs and choices of the students, it will help me explore my capability and talents. I believe I will materialize my dream of becoming a future organization head if UCLA Anderson becomes my mentor.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Negotiation & Conflict Resolution - Essay Example I was negotiating with him to lower the rent. My tangible goal was to lower the rent, while my intangible goal was to negotiate in a manner so as not to spoil my amicable relationship with my landlord. My landlord’s tangible goal was to fix the rent according to his desire, whereas his intangible goal was to get hold of a new tenant if I could not meet his terms. My position was to negotiate till I could reduce the rental amount. However, my landlord’s position was not revealed during the negotiation. My interest was in the fact that too high rent will be unaffordable for me and my landlord’s interest was to increase the rent to cover the increasing rate of inflation. I could not have paid the rent if it exceeded ten per cent of my salary. My landlord’s resistance point was not revealed during the negotiation. Any negotiation is incomplete if the involved parties do not consider and evaluate their BATNA. The BATNA not only acts as an alternate action plan, but also places the person in a stronger position with respect to the opponent in negotiation. For this reason, it is advisable that one works on discovering and strengthening his BATNA and also showcases it to the other party. However, one must keep in mind that he should reveal his BATNA only and only if he feels it is strong enough to give him an upper hand in the negotiation. A weak BATNA should better not be revealed as it may backfire by working against the person. My BATNA was strong because there were two similar apartments in my neighbourhood with similar amenities, landlords carrying a good reputation and rent well within my budget. However, at that point of time, the landlord of one of those buildings was also involved in serious rent negotiation with his tenants and moreover, a few other persons were interested in taking up my apartment on rent, in case I vacated it. For this reason, my landlord’s BATNA was also strong. I strengthened my BATNA by studying landlor ds are charging for similar accommodation in my locality, and whether houses with reasonable amenities are available at lower prices. I did my homework by seeing nearby places, checking their rents and making a note of details such as square footage, furnishings, appliances, amenities and proximity to workplace, gym and marketplace. Then I played them off against each other and made sure that there are many alternative accommodations available in the area. My landlord had revealed that his interest was to cover the growing inflation by raising the rent. He had therefore prepared his BATNA by considering some new prospects for filling up the vacancy in case I quit. Before entering into a verbal discussion process with my landlord, I had clearly outlined the purpose of our discussion as an attempt to reach a collaborative decision by finalizing a rent amount that suited both of us and helped in keeping our cordial ties intact. Having thus developed the agenda, we started off a brainst orming session in order to evaluate all the possible alternatives available to us. Various ideas were generated from both parties as an alternative to the rent hike. My landlord suggested options such as longer lease period, advance payment of multiple months’ rent or longer notice period in the lease termination agreement. On the other hand, I offered to give up the parking space and made a deal for referrals for his other apartment that he was planning

Friday, November 1, 2019

Technology Support System For Homeland Security Program Assignment

Technology Support System For Homeland Security Program - Assignment Example Former Senator Rudman views the department to be a needed â€Å"formulation† in spite of the existing of great Army, Marine Corps and Air Force (2003). However, in assessing the organization and mission of the DHS, this proposal sees the agency to be wanting in resources and capacity along the aspects of independent mobilization and focus of initiatives. Organizationally, the DHS has to correlate with federal agencies to be able to mobilize anti-terrorism initiatives; it also lacks the integrated mechanism so that the department can effectively interface with the anti-terrorism network of agencies within the bureaucracy. Thus, the creation of an Information Communication and Assistance Services or ICAS is hereby proposed. Specifically, the ICAS is a novel concept of a management information system which will link the DHS with correlated anti-terrorism federal, state and local agencies using information and communication technologies. It will also enable the DHS to directly ser ve the people at the grassroots level through a social Web site and a 9-12 quick assistance response system. If implemented with a budget request of 18 Million USD, the proposal will consequently resolve what U.S. President Barack Obama perceives to be a â€Å"systemic failure in the existing homeland security services (Newsweek, an. 11, 2010). TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR HOMELAND SECURITY Problem Identification The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States have greatly dismayed Americans on their vulnerability to terrorism at home. Beyond the great grief of the citizenry, the catastrophic event provoked an awareness of the country’s dire need for security. Describing terrorism as â€Å"a global, generation-defining struggle against an enemy of vast military and ideological power,† (Time, 2000), U.S. President George W. Bush ordered the setting up of a Department of Home Security or DHS in order to protect the nation from terrorism inflicted in any o f its 50 states. (50, 2012). This unprecedented move was intended not simply to enlarge the already existing security manpower of the United States, but to enlist the cooperation of partners involving all relevant security agencies, and the American citizenry as well. The potential threats are many, ranging from home-made bombs to ballistic missiles hurled from concealed sites thousands of miles away. The tools of terrorism also vary from simple devises hidden in an air traveler’s shoe to sophisticated nuclear weapons system, each having the capacity to inflict a high share of human suffering and death. The department has therefore been given a critical mandate to â€Å"mobilize and focus the resources of the federal government, state and local governments, the private sector and the American people to accomplish its mission to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recove r from attacks that do occur† (Hutton & Mydlarz, 2003). TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR HOMELAND SECURITY Understandably, the challenge assumed by the department is immense. Already since the 2001 September attacks that toppled down the New York Twin Towers, it was reported that 45 Jhadist terror attacks were planned against the United States (Avlon, 2011). Fortunately, these were prevented by proficient intelligence work, functional policing, and avid public support.